I will show you a step by step guide on how to submit a found item report.
• STEP 1
Visit our website https://www.lostandfoundng.com then click the 3 horizontal line at the top left corner of the webpage or visit the submit report page directly https://www.lostandfoundng.com/dashboard/submit-report/. Note: you need to have an account to do this (see how to create account here)
• STEP 2
You will get a submit report form. This form will require you to input the following
- Report Title (this should contain the title of the property you’re reporting) eg. UBA ATM card was found (also add the name inscribed on it).
- Item Image (upload the picture of the item found). Make sure to cover any important information like card number, NIN, matric no etc.
- Report Description (this should contain detailed information on the item being reported). Include info like inscription, colour, when and where it was found etc.
- Report Type (select found)
- Location (select location where you found the item). If is a school and your school is listed, select it. If not, select the state where you found it.
- Select date when the item was found as report date might vary from the date item was found.
- Phone Number (input your phone number to help the owner contact you).
- E-mail (email is optional).
• STEP 3
Submit Report and wait for it to be published.